50 folks from the USA Marketing Division of Ericsson descended upon The Star in Dallas Texas for a dose of team building for their annual gathering. Here's the testimonial from the organizer.
"Today was fun! I work at Erickson, I am an executive admin and we wanted to bring in all of our people from, the US and Canada to do a team building event. I reached out to the go game and we did a scavenger hunt and boy it is so fun. I had to really think of something that was gonna be exciting, something that made everybody laugh, something that made everybody, you know, kind of think and, and work together and it worked out fantastic. So today we did it the scavenger hunt. I think everybody had a blast, everybody laughed. I love the guy that I worked with. I highly recommend it scavenger hunt was, was, was definitely the way to go for it. We're here, for a two day strategic meeting and it's a face to face. We only do this once a year and, having everybody work together as a team will kind of help contribute to our goals that we have for 2024. So by doing this, it, it definitely helps everybody get closer because I think people as a team work better together when you get to know each other personally. And this gave us an opportunity to do that. So it was a lot of fun."