TheGoGame Blog

Quick Aside

Written by finnspin | Apr 5, 2014 2:03:44 AM

How much do you get paid to do what you do? How much should you? We all think we should get paid a little to a lot more (er, except here at The Go Game), and many of us are probably correct. I mean, my mom told me I was special, and I was pretty sure I'd retire by this point (28 years old!).
At least one dude got a pretty fair wage last year: (Jamarcus Russell, formerly of the Oakland Raiders)
"'s how JaMarcus was compensated for his production with the Oakland Raiders: Roughly $100,000 per completion and $5.6 million per win."
So yeah, the guy who bought one of these (sadly out of date now): made more completing a pass - A PASS(I'd post you a video, but they're kinda hard to find) than you did all year last year. The rest of the article if you can stomach it.
Raiders, you seem like you need some team building. Just let us know, we'll hook you up!