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New Faces, New Fun


The world called for more games this year, and we answered... by adding more people to our team! Introducing the fresh new talent that will bring fun to your doorstep:

Brittany Berman aka "BB"

Game Producer

This 5ft bundle of energy captured our hearts with her infectious giggle and ability to make strangers engage in impromptu ninja battles on the street. We still can't figure out how she does it, but we're so glad she can. Someone has to. 

Justin Bagnell aka "JB"

Sales Specialist

With massive bear hugs and a love for Battlestar Galactica, JB swooshed into our lives. You can now hear his booming charismatic voice on the phone explain the merits of using marshmallows for corporate team-building. 

Jena McRae aka "Busta Move McRae"

Operations Director

Producing ONE game is a barrel of monkeys, so imagine overseeing a team that produces 700+ games a year! Fortunately we found the best person for the job. Jena is a master air-traffic controller, morale-booster, and fearless leader. Plus, she can school all of us on the dance floor. How did we get so lucky?