INVESTING IN YOUR Workforce: Why Employee Engagement Pays Off



If you've ever underestimated the importance of employee engagement, consider this your reminder. It's not just a buzzword; it's crucial to a company's success. Fully embracing it signals that you know what you're doing. While maintaining employee engagement requires effort and investment, it's like planting seeds for long-term benefits.

Companies that prioritize employee engagement attract top performers who consistently excel. With numerous advantages at stake, integrating high employee engagement into your business strategy is as essential as adding cheese to a pizza.

SO What is employee engagement, really?

When we think about what employee engagement means, the first thing that often pops into our heads is that engaged employees are cheerful folks who feel a deep sense of purpose and connection with the company they work for. They’re passionate about their work, dedicated to their goals, and in tune with the company’s values — and it really shines through.

Understanding employee engagement isn’t too complicated. But what does it really mean and what makes it tick? At The Go Game, we’ve been diving into this topic from the start, and here are the 10 key factors of employee engagement that highlight how employees feel and how committed they are in their roles:

  1. Opportunities for personal growth
  2. Constructive feedback
  3. Heartfelt recognition
  4. Bond with your manager
  5. Friendship with coworkers
  6. Joy at work
  7. Pride in your company
  8. Well-being
  9. Being on the same page
  10. Feeling fulfilled

As you explore each aspect, you'll discover the areas where employee engagement is soaring and those that could use a little boost. Spotting these gaps is the bedrock of crafting a fantastic employee engagement strategy and is the first step to making employees feel happier and more productive at work.

Taking a closer look at the positive returns on investment from great employee experiences can really transform the way your organization cares for its team members.

Exploring the Perks of Investing in Employee Engagement

Employee engagement not only helps build a lively and healthy company culture, but it's also fantastic for business! When employees feel great about their contributions, they take pride in their work and feel appreciated, and this positive impact is felt everywhere.

Now, while it seems straightforward, there are loads of positive outcomes from employee engagement that lead to increased productivity and, ultimately, better profitability for the business. From happier employees and lower turnover rates to the wonderful boost it gives to customer satisfaction and relationships, so overall purposely nurturing employee engagement is super important.

When employee engagement goes up, the revolving door of employee turnover takes a much-needed coffee break.

When it comes to employee turnover and engagement, the math is simple: happy and engaged employees are more likely to stick around. That’s why it's super important to focus on creating a workplace where everyone feels satisfied and can grow.

But what if your top talent isn’t as engaged as they could be? If your team members start to feel disconnected, you might risk losing them, which can be a real setback for your company. When someone leaves, they take with them all the knowledge about your products, brand, processes, and customers. Sure, you can train someone new, but getting them up to speed can take a while.

High turnover can really shake up a business. Besides the obvious costs, it can affect team spirit and productivity. Constant changes in staff can upset the team vibe and make it harder to hit your goals.

By focusing on employee engagement, you can keep your star performers and save on those pesky turnover costs. Show your employees you care, and they’ll be more dedicated to the company and ready to do their best work.

Highly engaged employees create greater customer satisfaction


Customer satisfaction and loyalty are crucial for a business's success or failure. If your customers have strong connections with your company and staff, you're in a favorable position.

When employees are enthusiastic about their work, take ownership of their duties, and feel engaged, they’re more likely to exceed expectations in providing excellent service and meeting customer needs. They aim for your customers to have a positive experience, and your customers notice it.

In fact, engaged employees don’t need to put in extra effort to enhance customer satisfaction and business results. Research from Oxford University's Said Business School indicates that simply being in a better mood achieves this and even boosts the chances of employees turning calls into sales.

Ultimately, nurturing your relationships with employees sets the stage for business success. As Sir Richard Branson puts it, "take care of your employees and they will take care of your customers." It’s a positive chain reaction. High employee engagement results in strong customer relationships, which lead to a higher return on investment from employee engagement and more stable revenue for your company.

Rolling up our sleeves and getting down to business



Keeping up with employee engagement strategies is like trying to keep up with the latest TikTok trends—always evolving and not for the faint-hearted. To figure out what's working and where you're missing the mark, it's crucial to regularly check in on your employee engagement levels.

Enter TGG's employee engagement platform, your trusty sidekick in this engagement saga. It offers a smorgasbord of tools to engaged and excite your team. Team building helping you spot those hidden strengths, pesky weaknesses, and golden opportunities.

This nifty software is your secret weapon for implementing best practices, crafting a rock-solid engagement strategy, and keeping your workforce as engaged, all while slashing that pesky employee turnover. It ensures your employees are giving you the lowdown with candid feedback, maximizing your return on investment in employee engagement. The ball is in your court for progress and success.

And the million-dollar question is: just how much moolah can you save by doubling down on employee engagement?