TheGoGame Blog

How to Run Meetings that ENGAGE

Written by The Go Game | May 27, 2024 2:45:56 PM

Not all meetings are created equal. And if you thought it was hard to run a meeting when everyone was in-person and sitting around a table, it's even more difficult when some (or all!) you team is virtual.

Which leaves the question: How can group leaders make their meetings more engaging?

Interaction is key in any meeting setting, but especially so when it comes to groups. Engaging your attendees and getting them involved helps ensure the meeting will be productive and useful. From icebreakers to trivia games, there are plenty of ways to get your attendees engaged and participating! Let's take a look at different activities and tools you can use to make your group meetings more interactive.

The Power of Knowing When to Run a Meeting

"This could be an email" could be the motto of today's workforce. Because, let's be honest, we've all been in meetings that were a complete waste of time. Before we look at activities and tools to increase meeting interaction, it's important to know what we like to call meeting etiquette.

When you're calling a group together for a meeting, make sure you have a clear agenda. Even better, get that agenda into the hands of those attending so they know what to expect.

Also, once you have an agenda, you should have a pretty clear idea of who needs to be in that meeting. If you only need a few specific people, don't invite the whole team. Get those you need together so you can get in and out as effectively as possible.

If your meeting was set to assign tasks, end the meeting by going over specific action items for everyone there. This reiterates the people in the meeting are there for a reason.

Finally, set a schedule and stick with it. Let your group know you respect their time by keeping an eye on the time.

Break the Ice!

One way to get people interacting is to start with an icebreaker. This can be anything from a simple question-and-answer game to something more interactive like charades, or organize a quick virtual game with us to set the tone. The goal is to get people talking and present, so choose an activity that will fit the group size and meeting expectations.

Have a Brief Wellness Check

A great way to show you care about your team is to start the meeting with a brief wellness check-in. This can be as simple as going around the room and asking everyone how they're doing or if there's anything on their mind.

If you have a larger group, you can break into smaller teams and have each team share one positive and one negative from the week. This helps to ensure everyone has a chance to speak up and be heard.

Lead a Scavenger Hunt

We're big fans of scavenger hunts here at The Go Game and for obvious reason. We talk about them a lot. And scavenger hunts are a fantastic activity for interactive meetings. They're great for team building, fostering creativity, and promoting collaboration.

Plus, they're just really fun! The slightly longer game works super well for remote teams, but can also be tweaked to be a photo sharing scavenger hunt for in-office participants.

Use Interesting Visuals

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that visuals increase user engagement up to 94%! Not only do images increase engagement, because the brain can process these images extremely fast, viewers are able to retain the information better.

So what does this mean for your meeting?

Use visuals! Anything from a basic PowerPoint presentation to a video, depending on how much time you want to invest.

Whether you're meeting with your group virtually or in-person, combine your presentation with relevant and interesting visuals to hammer home your points. These visuals provide needed context and will keep your group engaged.

Get Competitive with Team Trivia

A fun way to increase meeting interaction is to incorporate some friendly competition before or throughout your meeting. Team trivia is a great way to do this! You can create your own trivia questions or use one of our many, many trivia games.

Not sure where to start? Reach out and our team will lay out the options and see whats the best fit for you and your colleagues. With multiple choice questions and image sharing, this is a great activity for larger groups and can be done remotely or in-person.

Of course, to keep this work-focused, take our trivia slide deck and customize it to be about current projects or goals. Your team will definitely get engaged with this fun way for getting updates.

Bring a Snack to Share

Inside, we're all children who want a drink and a snack. Bring a snack, or even better a whole meal, to your next meeting! Give your team a break and a chance to socialize for 15-30 minutes before a meeting. Nothing re-energizes a group and gets them engaged like spending some time eating together.

The whole group will be more focused and ready to brainstorm when they sit back down.

Let a Team Member Lead the Meeting

If you're looking for a way to increase meeting interaction and get everyone involved, try letting a team member lead the meeting. This is a great opportunity for someone who has shown initiative or has spearheaded a recent to share what they're doing with the group.

Not only will this give them a chance to practice their leadership skills, but it will also give everyone else in the group a chance to hear from them. Giving other voices a chance to present is a great way to get everyone interacting and involved in the meeting.

Open the Floor for Discussion

At the end of your meeting, open the floor for discussion. Encourage team members to share their thoughts on what was discussed and ask any questions they may have. This is a great way to get feedback from your team and ensure that everyone is on the same page. It's also an opportunity to build rapport and relationships with your team members.

However, make sure you have this time set aside in the agenda, so the team knows it's coming. Also, set a time limit on open discussion and stick with it. Nothing will irritate a group more than that one person who keeps talking or asking questions.

End on a Positive Note

End your meeting on a positive note by thanking everyone for their time and specific contributions. This will leave participants feeling good about the meeting and looking forward to the next one!