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Adventures in VR


Last week, our own Jenny Gottstein had the opportunity to participate in Virtually Dead, a zombie-themed experience in East London that combines virtual reality and immersive theater for an all-out adrenaline filled adventure. Virtually Dead brings participants to an undisclosed location and drops them in the wake of a viral epidemic, ready to begin "training" to become zombie killers. 

Using a combination of live actors, high production special effects and set design, and VR headsets, Virtually Dead is making waves in the world of experience design. They're not the only ones with VR on the mind; as it becomes more and more ubiquitous, experience designers everywhere will soon be presented with the question of how and whether to integrate it into their projects. Industrial Light & Magic's xLab is another example of designers venturing into the world of VR and AR, focusing on Star Wars centric immersive story experiences.

Have you had the chance to experience VR in immersive design, gaming, or theater? We'd love to hear about your experiences!

Also, if you're interested in experience design and immersive storytelling, come join us at the next Adventure Design Group on April 8th at the Go Game headquarters for a chance to talk with like-minded creative folk doing big things in the world of technology and art. See you there!