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Adventure Jam


Get psyched to put all the knowledge we've been gaining from these outstanding sessions to use....coming this summer, save the date for the first ever Adventure Design Group ADVENTURE JAM! If you've ever wanted to get a start making live immersive experiences that bridge games, tech, theater, physical environments, and public space, or if you're just looking for new collaborators -- this is the perfect opportunity.

We'll get together, split into semi-random 3-5 person groups with a nice spread of skills, and announce a theme for the jam. From that point through the next 48 hours, you'll crunch like crazy to build the most amazing experience you can! Then we'll share, vote on awards, and either go out for drinks or collapse in a heap, depending on how much sleep we've had.

Location: Go Game HQ, 400 Treat Ave Suite F

Date: August 15-17

Snacks: There will be a small attendance fee (probably $10) to cover food and snacks during the jam so we stay energized. To be confirmed closer to event.

- Friday, 6pm: Gather and socialize (Be on time!!) 
- Friday, 6:30pm: Reveal theme 
- Friday, 7:30pm: Present pitches, shuffle teams if necessary 
- Friday-Sunday: Make your experiences! 
- Sunday, 4pm: Present your work! 
- Sunday, 5pm: Awards!

Sign up and join the fun!